Turbulence, science, and arts


This picture was taken in 2021.

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Jinyuan Liu

Contacts: wallturb@gmail.com, jinyuanliu@ucsd.edu
CV, Google Scholar, ORCID, LinkedIn

Jinyuan is currently a Ph.D. student in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of California San Diego. He works with Sutanu Sarkar in the CFD Lab. His current research focus is turbulence and vortex dynamics in stratified rotating flows. He is generally interested in the physics and numerical simulation of wall-bounded and free shear turbulence. He seeks truth, simplicity, and beauty in fluid mechanics.

Jinyuan received his Bachelor’s Degree in engineering thermophysics from Tsinghua University, China, in 2020. After working as a post-baccalaureate researcher at the same institute for six months, he joined the CFD Lab in Jan. 2021. He had also been working as a pre-doctoral researcher on turbulent boundary layers at the University of Waterloo, and on turbulent channels at Universidad Politecnica de Madrid.

Jinyuan is also an aviation photographer and a member of the photography team of Airways Magazine. (Jetphotos gallery, Airways gallery) His shutter count exceeds 150,000. He swims and plays the trumpet, when he is not pretending to be a fluid dynamicist. He has been playing Go (Wei-Qi) since elementary school and was ranked amateur 5-dan by the Chinese Go Association.

His name in Chinese characters is 刘晋源.


Ph. D. student in Fluid Mechanics, Jan. 2021 - present
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UC San Diego,
advised by Sutanu Sarkar

B. S. E. in Thermophysics (with distinction), Aug. 2016 - June 2020
Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University

Visiting Research Student, Sep. 2019 - Feb. 2020
School of Aeronautics, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid,
advised by Javier Jimenez

Publications, pre-prints, and thesis

Jinyuan Liu, Pranav Puthan, Sutanu Sarkar. Effect of rotation on wake vortices in stratified flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 999, A44, 2024 (pdf), (link)
Jinyuan Liu and Sutanu Sarkar. Coherence analysis of geophysical wakes in flow past a three-dimensional hill. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Proceeding for the fifth Madrid Turbulence Summer School), 2024 (link) (pdf)
Chunmei Xie, Jinyuan Liu, Jing-Wei Jiang, and Wei-Xi Huang. Numerical study on wetted and cavitating tip-vortical flows around an elliptical hydrofoil: Interplay of cavitation, vortices, and turbulence. Physics of Fluids, 33(9):093316, 2021 (link) (pdf)
Jinyuan Liu. Large- and very-large-scale structures in turbulent channels. Undergraduate thesis (Tsinghua University, 2020), in Chinese. (pdf)

Talks and conference presentations

The 77th Annual Meeting of APS DFD, Salt Lake City, November 2024. (abstract)
Workshop on Coherent Structures for Turbulence Modeling, Santa Fe, November 2024. (abstract) (poster)
JSOE Research Expo 2024, UCSD, La Jolla, April 2024. (poster)
The 17th SoCal Fluids Symposium, UCI, Irvine, April 2024. (abstract)
Ocean Science Meeting 2024, New Orleans, February 2024. (poster)
The 76th Annual Meeting of APS DFD, Washington DC, November 2023. (abstract)
The 16th SoCal Fluids Symposium, SDSU, San Diego, April 2023. (abstract)
The 75th Annual Meeting of APS DFD, Indianapolis, November 2022. (abstract)
The 15th SoCal Fluids Symposium, UCLA, Los Angeles, April 2022. (abstract)

Notes (under construction)

First principles in fluids (under construction) (pdf)
Question list on fluid mechanics, numerics, and turbulence (pdf)
Space-time and spectral proper orthogonal decomposition (pdf)
Practical Fourier transform and spectral methods (TBD)
Modified differential equation analysis of RK3+central scheme for Burgers equation (pdf)

Aviation photography: at the intersection of science and arts, TU night Talk (in Chinese), TUNA at Tsinghua, May 2022. (link) (slides) (YouTube)
Coherent structures in Spark 12, Spark talk (commencement address), Tsinghua, May 2020. (slides)


Outstanding Undergraduate Dissertation (5%), Tsinghua University, 2020
Academic Distinction Award for Graduates (10%), Tsinghua University, 2020
Second Prize for Student Research Training, Tsinghua University, 2019
Scholarship for Scientific Innovation, Tsinghua University, 2018
Scholarship for Overall Excellence, Tsinghua University, 2018
Scholarship for Academic Distinction, Tsinghua University, 2017, 2018, 2019
First Prize, National Aerospace Knowledge Competition for College Students, 2018
Outstanding Teaching Assistant of The Year, MAE dept, UCSD, 2023-2024

Fellowships and Memberships

Fellowship, the 5th Madrid Turbulence Summer School, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, 2023
Fellowship, the 12th Spark Innovative Talent Cultivation Program, Tsinghua University, 2018
Student Member, American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics (since 2019)
Student Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (since 2024)
Member, American Go Association

Teaching Assistantship (at UCSD)

MAE290B Numerical Methods for ODEs/PDEs (graduate course, instructor: Sutanu Sarkar), Winters 2022, 2023, 2024
MAE214A Intro to Turbulence and Mixing (graduate course, instructor: Sutanu Sarkar), Springs 2022, 2023
MAE101B ‘Advanced’ Fluid Mechanics (undergrad course, instructor: Hieu Pham), Winter 2025


Referee for: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physics of Fluids, Acta Mechanica Sinica
Chairperson, Council of the 12th Spark Innovative Talent Cultivation Program, Tsinghua University, 2018 - 2020
JUMP Peer-to-Peer Mentor for 8 undergrads, Jacob School of Engineering, UC San Diego, 2020, 2021
Freshmen Mentor for 15 undergrads, School of Aerospace, Tsinghua University, 2018, 2019

Hedong (Ben) Hou is not working hard enough! Please drop him a message and remind him that the Millennium Problem of Navier-Stokes Equations is still unsolved and he is now only 15 years away from reaching the age limit of the Fields Medal!
Pwe is a cat. Click here to pat.
Xinyi is taking her voyage through turbulence and leaves no trace. But the ups and downs are already in the mind.

Physics and Maths: vector calculus (a, b) in the Feynman’s lectures, Cambridge notes, DAMTP Example Sheets, NTNU Numerical Methods for Engineers, Fluid Mechanics educational videos, chaosbook (pdf, web), fractals (Mandelbrot), applied differential equations (a, b), 13 classic papers in applied math, Del in other coordinates
Computers: command lines 101 (a, b), bash book, a short intro to LaTeX, Advanced Bash Scripting Guide (ABS), an intro to FORTRAN, databook (pdf, web), Small PDF
Philosophy: good taste, work hard, interest, smart, do well in math, novelty, taste(Y)
Research: successful research, surviving, CS PhD, good research and good papers, you and your research, thoughts about research (Kung)
Fundamentals of instruction: how memory works, delibarate practice, QT, five languages
History, arts, languages: the story of Computer Roman (also in Chinese), Xi-shan-cang-cang (in Chinese), Merriam Webster, Thesaurus
Weather links: sun calc, moon calc, twilights, windy, Weather Spark, HRRR, Santa Ana winds/Diablo winds, North Pacific High/Aleutian Low, San Diego radar, NWS office San Diego, San Diego AFD, May gray/June gloom in SoCal, prevailing winds
Aviation: CFI notebook

Fun pics


Aviation photos: airborne photos (wingview), airport photos, JetPhotos’ recommendations (J, F, X), photos of A35K of British Airways